by admin | Mar 22, 2010 | chronic illness, computer addiction, healing, health, Humor, inspiration, meditation, tools for healing, walking meditation, wellbeing
Over the past few months, I’ve been busy—on my computer. Like many people today, I sometimes can’t seem to turn it off. How many of you, I wonder, actually sleep with your computer? It’s OK to confess that you do. If you are dealing with illness, it can be a...
by admin | Mar 5, 2010 | chronic illness, healing, holiday disaster story, Humor
I think it’s time to confess what happened to me last Thanksgiving. I hope you’ll find this funny and have a laugh at my expense. If it helps you feel better, then my experience was worth it! I think. Little did I realize I’d need to read my own weblog for...
by admin | Feb 10, 2010 | chaplains, healing, hospital chaplains, inner critic, Mind-Body Medicine, self-compassion, subtle energy
Energy moves, transfers, ebbs and flows. It’s been said that if you are in large crowds and you notice yourself beginning to feel drained, then you are an introvert. If you feel yourself energized by the same situation, then you are an extrovert. Whichever category...
by admin | Jan 29, 2010 | chronic illness, empowerment, healing, healing hearts, inspiration, patient healing, Pets, tools for healing, wellbeing
Bambie, Kitzeleh, Kelly, Sheba, Ruth, Cleo, Maggie, Laila, Tzipi, Sarti, Houdini, Thea. What do these names have in common? These are the names of my pets, past and present. Can you tell which one was the dog, the cat, the goldfish, the rat, the hermit crab, or the...
by admin | Jan 16, 2010 | chronic illness, empowerment, healing, health, the pusher, tools for healing
Every day I wake up with different amounts of energy. The range varies, and often reflects my activity level in prior days. For many years I functioned in a deficit range, despite illness and exhaustion. I thought it was normal to push myself beyond capacity. I’d done...
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