Frequently Asked Questions

Tell me about mind-body medicine.

Mind-body medicine understands that the mind and body are intricately connected. Your thoughts influence your emotional state, triggering a cascade of biochemical events in your body to which your immune system and organs respond. Different emotions trigger alternate biochemical pathways.

For example, do you remember the last time you heard a loud noise and were frightened? You thought, “Danger!” and your body released adrenaline. Your heart began to pound; perhaps you trembled slightly and your mouth became dry. If your perceptions had been different, your body’s response would have been different.

Your beliefs also influence how you make choices about your healthcare providers and the other people you include in your social network. Perhaps they are helpful, perhaps not. If you address your mental, social and spiritual life, you can directly affect your body’s physiology and healing journey. It is powerful medicine.

Is mind-body medicine an alternative treatment for illness?

No. Mind-body medicine is a complementary treatment, not a substitute. It is different from therapies like herbal remedies or acupuncture, in that the focus is not on a direct treatment to the body.

What ages do you work with?

I work only with adults.

What are some of the tools of mind-body medicine?

Each person who practices mind-body medicine has an array of tools from which to choose. I often use hypnotherapy, imagery, deep relaxation, sandtray, voice dialogue and EMDR and EFT (energy psychology methods).

What are hypnotherapy and guided imagery? How do you work with these?

Hypnotherapy and guided imagery use the power of a person’s own imagination, sometimes incorporating direct suggestion, to access inner healing potential. I start by guiding you into a relaxed state, which creates an altered state of awareness. We co-create the right metaphor and/or direct suggestions to stimulate beneficial change, either through an interactive process or an individually-tailored script. For example, hypnotherapy and guided imagery help in reducing complications during surgery and decreasing the adverse effects of chemotherapy such as nausea, fatigue and depression. (

What is Voice Dialogue?

Voice Dialogue is a transformational tool which increases self-awareness. It provides for more choices and balance. The results allow you to access your internal resources to help you heal. It was developed by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, two American psychologists, who have published several books, including Embracing Ourselves: The Voice Dialogue Manual. The Stones teach us that we have many different states of energy or “selves.”

In my office, we get to know these “selves” and the roles they play in your life. This helps you to become conscious of how they may be impacting your thoughts about yourself and others. When you engage in Voice Dialogue, you create a place in your consciousness for what the Stones call the “aware ego.” This gives you the freedom to separate from negative thinking patterns that may be dominating your thoughts and actions, and affecting your healing. (

What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a highly specialized therapy developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro. It is used worldwide to overcome the effects of traumatic or upsetting experiences. EMDR is now better described as “Reprocessing Therapy,” because it can be accomplished using alternating auditory stimulation or gentle tapping, instead of eye movement. I use EMDR if you have had an experience that may be affecting your health or your ability to receive appropriate healthcare.

How does EMDR work?

When something bad happens to us, our minds may hold onto the original visual images, sounds, thoughts, feeling and sensations. When these memories get triggered, the sensations associated with them are activated and feel real. We know that such memories can continue to disturb us, even though the original experience might have occurred long ago. EMDR works by activating the right and left hemispheres of the brain, allowing it to process and heal old memories, alleviating symptoms and enhancing your well-being. (

What is sandtray?

Sandtray is used to promote increased consciousness, learning, creativity and personal growth. In my office, I use sandtray as ritual for healing and transformation.

How does sandtray therapy work?

We think in images, using words and objects to create them in our minds. With sandtray, you step into a world in which visual images are the main focus. You will find many objects on my office shelves that represent images you hold in your mind. You can learn a lot and find deep healing through sandtray work.

How else can you help me?

Because of my medical training, I know how hospitals work, how doctors often think, and the challenges that patients face in being proactive, asking questions and getting their needs met in a timely fashion. I often coach clients on how to overcome the various stumbling blocks to getting good healthcare.

Do you take insurance?

No, unfortunately. However, some sliding scale slots are available.