Testimonials / Workshops

Writing to Heal is a safe, deeply nourishing class to explore, learn, gain insight, be supported and enjoy accessing one’s creativity in the process.

This workshop taught me that with just a bit of insight, there was a wealth of knowledge about myself, and the ability to learn to heal myself was right there, under the surface, waiting to be released.

Dr. Caplin did an excellent job of running the class, keeping us on topic, tailoring the work to suit the energy of the group.

Being in a safe environment with others who understand the context of chronic illness and are open to exploring has been an absolute gift.

The Mind-Body Health Writing workshop gave me the relief of being able to talk with people who understand. It was moving, inspiring and healing. Abby’s soothing, serene and kind manner made the workshop a comforting respite. The exercises were thought-provoking and healing.

The workshop helped me see that there are more ways I could be taking care of myself, helped me realize that the isolation I feel is not at all unusual in my situation, has encouraged me to be more open and to disclose my ‘invisible illness’ to more people in my life, has helped me realize I am handling things much better than I give myself credit for. I am hoping this will help me lighten up on myself.

I have already recommended this workshop to a friend. I told her it was a place she could be totally open about how she felt, without being judged, and that she would gain a lot of insight into how she handles her illness.

All exercises were helpful. There was a lovely atmosphere of thoughtful care in the workshop.

I liked when we wrote about topics that arose during the group. I feel less isolated and also feel this time is part of the quality of my life. I’d like people to know that this workshop is a safe place to look within and share difficult feelings, that the amount of written work is not any greater than a person desires it to be.

In this group, in just a few meetings, we were able to share about our concerns, hurts, fears and questions concerning illness and how it affected our lives. Abby is a gentle and caring facilitator who brings her own hard-earned wisdom to the group, which benefits from it.

Dr. Abby’s ability to help me focus on other aspects of my illness, such as how illness was and is perceived in my natal family; how anger and depression are frequently lingering on the edges of myself; and how illness has engendered guilt, has given me insight into my ability to help myself. I hope to continue to write and reflect. Kind of dusted off my mind.

All of the exercises were helpful in some way. I learned more about my need to share who I am and discover who I am through writing. I didn’t realize how much I missed myself. I expected a writing class. I received a class that mirrors my entire life. Abby Caplin gives all of her experience, all of her compassion, and all of her writing skill. She is a rare and gifted teacher.

Jump started me to thinking about my illness differently. Yes, would recommend this class. Abby provides the atmosphere for words to flow, connecting with self and others.

All exercises seemed on target, even the ones I found difficult were revealing. I learned that I seem to keep a lot to myself. Opening up has seemed unsafe. I felt safe here. The seminar gave me tools to deal with my health. I grew here. Abby created a safe and supportive environment.

I was surprised how easy it was for me to compose poems. Exercises that examined what was under the surface were helpful in making things make sense.

I would recommend the workshop to anyone interested. My friends from the clinic were very interested in my experience in the class. I learned that I should keep writing, that it does not matter about what. Just start writing. It is a beginning.

I would definitely recommend the workshop. It caused things to move for me — more dreams, more intense dreams, things bubbling to the surface, connections made between my past, my mother’s death and more. The class helped me feel better, picked up my attitude and made me feel better about myself and my life experiences.

I have learned a lot about what keeps me from writing and the workshop has let me feel accepted by a lovely group of intelligent, creative people.

I found these classes helped me deal with the emotional side of my illness in a far more positive way than I would have thought possible. To find my voice has kept panic and self-pity at bay.