Happy New Year! Welcome 2011!

I am pleased to announce that registration is once again open for the next Mind-Body Health Writing Class. The class is held at BookShop West Portal in San Francisco.

This group is for people living with chronic health challenges.

If you are living with illness or health challenges and would like to be more proactive in your healing, please join me!

  • Connect with others
  • Find your direction, strength and power
  • Engage life-affirming methods
  • Explore in a place of acceptance
  • Get in touch with your resilience
  • Uncover meaning
  • Spark your creativity

I guide group participants through a process of reflection, writing and optional sharing. Just come with an open mind and notebook.

Five Sunday Evenings 7:00-8:30 PM
February 13, 20, 27 and March 6 & 13, 2011

Sign up early – space is limited. The previous class filled early!

Call now to register: 415-255-9981
Email: abby@abbycaplinmd.com

For more information click here: BookShop West Portal

I’m looking forward to meeting you!
